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Between Two Fires

1. The game is played between two teams with 5 players in each. Each team has a captain.


2. It is played with a soft sponge ball on badminton or volleyball court depending on which court the school has got.


3. The goal of the game: each team throws the ball with hand trying to hit the opponents in their field, and at the same time, trying to avoid being hit by them. The hit has to be visible. The hit with the ball bouncing from the floor is also valid.


4. After the captain is selected, they are using rock/paper/scissors game, and the winner takes the ball and opens the game.


5. The game starts with throwing the ball three times – the players do not hit each other but they can catch the ball and take it from the opponents. Since the fourth throw, it is possible to hit opposing team. When a player is hit, he/she goes outside the opponents’ field lines and continues hitting the other team. Pupils can return into the field if he/she hits someone from the other team from outside the lines.


6. Only the captain can be on his line, while the hit players stand on side lines and continue participating in the game hitting the opposing team. (picture 2)


7. The hit player gets the ball and he/she takes it outside the sideline.


8. In case of violation, stepping over the line, the ball is awarded to the opposing team.


9. It is possible to ‘save’ a life – if the ball is caught after hitting a player and prior to falling on the ground.


10. It is possible to return into the game until the captain enters the field and gets replaced by the last pupil from the field. 


11. The captain enters the field after the last player in the field is hit.


12. The captain has 3 lives, all the rules concerning other players in the field are also applied to the captain, except that he has two lives.


13. The game is over when one of the teams hits all the players including the captain from the other team, therefore, that team wins the game.

İKİ ATES ARASINDA_Çalışma Yüzeyi 1.
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İKİ ATES2_Çalışma Yüzeyi 1.png
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